Feldenkrais manual
Auto and personal injuries are always complicated. Bonacci works one-on-one with his patients to give them the tools they need to understand all the alternative and medical treatment options. He has confidently co-managed multiple cases with prominent holistic and medical doctors to reach the desired outcome. With this type of personalized attention to treatment, patients are given their best chances for success.
Bonacci likes to follow a simple philosophy when developing a treatment plan: Treatment should move from most organic and least invasive, to less organic and more invasive. In other words, try everything possible to heal properly and naturally from the beginning, and only choose invasive procedures as a last resort.
This way the patient is empowered and can mentally move forward with confidence, rather than jumping ahead and having to try to go backward. After all avenues of treatment have been taken, there is still a large responsibility left for the patient. In most cases, patients who are successful with treatment have also made changes in their lives to maintain their wellness. The number one preventive step is to eat well and exercise. Simply put, exercise regenerates all the cells in the body, which essentially cures minor ailments before they become larger ones.
It also prevents premature aging and cancer. Most pain patients will attest that their pain goes away when they exercise, therefore a large part of the Bonacci Method is exercise. As the patient heals, the routine can increase gradually. Bonacci provides a custom-tailored, detailed exercise regimen for every patient.
A chiropractic adjustment can make you feel so much better. It is also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation. The adjustment refers to the manipulation of the vertebrae that have abnormal movements and are not functioning properly. A chiropractic adjustment will assist in fixing these issues.
We pride ourselves on achieving outstanding levels of improvement with patients without these all-too-common, outdated, painful techniques.
Our head physical therapist is a Feldenkrais practitioner. The easy movements gradually evolve into greater range and complexity. Emphasis is placed on NOT moving into discomfort, and afterward, participants report feeling lighter and taller, with free and easy movement. The gentle technique is extremely effective for unusual or difficult-to-diagnose pain situations. There is no expensive initial visit — all visits are the same price.
The amount of time required for Feldenkrais training is usually between and hours over a 3- to 4-year period for programs approved by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America FGNA. Some programs have limited financial aid available. There is no formal government licensing requirement for Feldenkrais method teachers.
Certification in the Feldenkrais technique is exclusively granted by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America or other members of the International Feldenkrais Federation. Only graduates of Guild-accredited Feldenkrais training programs are eligible to practice or teach the discipline.
Job prospects are fairly good for practitioners of movement therapies, including those with Feldenkrais training. As such it is a very important time for our international community. If you have been a Representative before many of the things here will not be new to you and may seem simple.
We hope, however, that the many of suggestions here are useful to you in your role as Representative. For the IFF to function effectively, decisions of the Assembly need to be communicated and implemented, reports made, Committees and Working Groups need to meet or stay in touch to get their tasks done, Newsletters and Journals need to be produced and read, and much more.
So, this Manual contains recommendations and suggestions for how to make the most of our Assembly:. The IFF is a federation of member groups, not a centralised bureaucracy. So in addition to the cycle of activity associated with the Assembly, there is an important cycle of information and decisions flowing from constituent member groups, to the IFF especially at the Assembly and back to constituent member groups.
This is the basis of a federative organisation. We also need you to take ideas, information, decisions, questions, needs, desires and priorities back to your member group.
There are a number of ways you can prepare for you role at the actual IFF Assembly. We recommend that you:. In order to help you contribute to and get the most from the Assembly, the IFF BOD has arranged for an Orientation session for people who are attending their first Assembly. If you are a Representative for the first time it may also be very valuable for you to talk to people who have been Representatives for your organisation before about the Assembly, how it runs and your role, etc.
It is very important for you to accurately convey the views of your organisation and clarify your mandate as a Representative. Also, there may be a member of your organisation that would be very suitable and interested to contribute to a Working Group.
Please contact them before you leave your country to see if they are willing to do the work and get their permission to nominate them. Agenda must be accompanied by written background or discussion paper on the item, to be circulated with the Agenda in the Pre-Assembly mailing.
This allows other members time to consider the item and form an opinion should it proceed to a motion and be voted upon in the Assembly. As the Assembly meet only once per year this helps to facilitate the process of decision making.
These groups will then make reports and recommendations back to the Assembly. While most of these things will happen during the Assembly meeting times, there may be a need to meet with other Representatives to get a particular task done, for a Committee or Working Group to prepare a proposal or report, etc.
However, there are a whole range of practical tasks involved in putting on an Assembly. If you have time during the Assembly, please check with the organisers to see if there is some way you can help. Apart from the work involved in the formal part of the Assembly, one of the main benefits of the IFF Assembly is the opportunity for Feldenkrais Teacher-Practitioners from different countries, trainings and backgrounds to get together and share ideas and experiences.
This kind of networking is a vital part of the Assembly and of building a genuine international community of the Feldenkrais Method. Having a meal, drink, chat or dance together is a great way to get to know your fellow Representatives and we encourage everyone attending to seek out new people to socialise with and get to know. This can cause difficulties for Representatives for whom English is their second, third or fourth language!