Feds program
In particular, it first discusses the factors that motivated the Federal Reserve in November to announce it would undertake in the first-ever public review of its monetary policy strategy, tools, and communication practices. It then considers the major findings of the review as codified in our new Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy and highlights some important policy implications that flow from them.
Disclaimer: The economic research that is linked from this page represents the views of the authors and does not indicate concurrence either by other members of the Board's staff or by the Board of Governors.
The economic research and their conclusions are often preliminary and are circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment.
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Log In to your online account now. The child tax credit has supported these families. They're worried about what's next. In a statement, the central bank said the facility was crucial to businesses during the depth of the recession. But as the economy rapidly recovers , the time to start winding it down has begun.
The program "proved vital in restoring market functioning last year, supporting the availability of credit for large employers, and bolstering employment through the Covid pandemic," the Fed said. Read More. Click for more FreightWaves articles by John Gallagher. As a young man of 22 years of age, I began my career as a truck driver, working for a rendering plant. It was an offal job pun intended , but it gave someone my age the opportunity to break into the trucking industry.
I had been driving box trucks for a couple of years before that, but diesel engines, combination vehicles, air brakes, etc. Although it was intrastate driving, it was a major change from driving box trucks. I was trained for an entire week and declared ready to operate on Texas highways, and in major Texas cities. That was exactly 49 years ago this January.
That was before the insurance industry lobbied congress to legislate itself into our wallets. It is my humble opinion, that all the efforts put forth by congress, the trucking industry, and any administration, to make young people between the ages of legally able to join the ranks of interstate drivers, is just dollar signs for the insurance industry, without whose approval, these efforts will die on the vine.
An industry that is supposed to be insuring risk, and which uses every trick in the book to minimize both risk and payouts, because it has legislative backing, will be the real winner, if these efforts come to fruition. The first losers, will be the trucking companies whose bottom line will shrink because of higher insurance premiums.
That is even before any incident or accident caused by, or involving, an driver. Since trucking companies are not in business to lose money, they will have to increase their rates. Thus, consumers become the greatest losers of all! We the people will get shafted yet again!