Essential developmental biology slack 2nd edition

This avoids the muddle that arises all too often when students think that knockouts can be made in Xenopus, or that bindin is essential for mammalian fertilization.

Understanding does not come from simply memorizing long lists of gene names, so I continue to explain how to investigate developmental phenomena and what sorts of evidence are needed to prove a particular type of result. In order to keep the text short and concise I have not wandered off into areas such as the development of plants or lower eukaryotes, that may be very interesting but are really separate branches of biology.

The first two editions were very well received by both users and reviewers and I hope that the third edition will make this book an even more popular choice for undergraduate and graduate level teaching around the world.

The principal challenge today is that of exponentially increasing detail. The molecular life sciences seem to double in workforce and output every 10 years or so, and developmental biology has grown at least this fast since its re-founding as a molecular subject in the s.

So very serious thought has to be given to what to include and what to leave out. I have taken the view that the value of model organisms is that they enable experiments to be performed whose results illuminate some general principle of development.

However, a lot of recent research has diverged from this strategy and has focused on an ever more detailed molecular analysis of every possible process and organ system in every model organisms.

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Get print book. Shop for Books on Google Play Browse the world's largest eBookstore and start reading today on the web, tablet, phone, or ereader. Go to Google Play Now ». Essential Developmental Biology. Jonathan M. Written in a clear and accessible style, the third edition of this popular textbook has been expanded and updated In addition, an accompanying website provides instructional materials for both student and lecturer use, including animated developmental processes, a photo gallery of selected model organisms, and all artwork in downloadable format.

Reviews of the Second Edition: "The second edition is a must have for anyone interested in development biology. New findings in hot fields such as stem cells, regeneration, and aging should make it attractive to a wide readership. Overall, the book is concise, well structured, and illustrated. I can highly recommend it. Preview this book ».

What people are saying - Write a review. Selected pages Page. Title Page. Table of Contents. Contents Preface. U The zebrafish NM The mouse


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